Musings on having good life Life covers all aspects of our being and each part mentioned below would have impact and be impacted by other aspects of life. So it would be fitting that we look at all these components in an integrated fashion. Also no doubt some aspects are more important which doesn't meant that others can be given lesser importance. At any point of time if we feel too lazy to do something, just go back to its objective which will give motivation. Life’s Goal: Regularly note down and review life’s goal. Such goal may change over period of time. Breakup life’s goal into short term/medium term and long term goals. Constantly monitor desired goals vs activities that one is involved. Gap in such goals lead to unhappy life Physical Health: Regular exercise is key to being healthy. Even few minutes every day is much better than exercising once in a while. Physical exercise could cover aerobics, yoga including Pranayama and weight bearing exerci...
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