Musings on having good life

Life covers all aspects of our being and each part mentioned below would have impact and be impacted by other aspects of life. So it would be fitting that we look at all these components in an integrated fashion. Also no doubt some aspects are more important which doesn't meant that others can be given lesser importance. At any point of time if we feel too lazy to do something, just go back to its objective which will give motivation.

Life’s Goal: Regularly note down and review life’s goal. Such goal may change over period of time. Breakup life’s goal into short term/medium term and long term goals. Constantly monitor desired goals vs activities that one is involved. Gap in such goals lead to unhappy life

Physical Health: Regular exercise is key to being healthy. Even few minutes every day is much better than exercising once in a while. Physical exercise could cover aerobics, yoga including Pranayama and weight bearing exercise. Exercise variation during the week can make it interesting for the body. Ensure sleep for minimum of 6 hours; preferably 7 hours

Healthy food: Ensure having a good portion of natural food viz. Fruits, nuts, raw vegetables, dry fruits, lemon and sprouts. Fruits to be eaten first thing in the morning before any other food and ensure nuts and sprouts are eaten at late evening

Emotional and spiritual health: Have good relationship with all interacting people be it colleagues, friends or relatives. Be particularly kind to oneself and family; this is crucial. How can we love or be kind to someone if we are not kind or loving to oneself or our family. At all times involve your family in your decision as without their support, you will concerned with life balance and feel guilty if you do not give them enough time. Be grateful to all people that we interact with. Meditate every day; preferably twice a day

Financial health: this is equally important and make a habit of investing from very young age. Monitor spending and regularly review needs vs desires. Need and spending must be a function of earning and life style . Desired spending ideally should be planned for to avoid over spending. However be generous to family and strangers

Specially invest 10 years at least before retirement based on planned or regulated retirement age e.g. one can plan to retire at age 45 or 60 depending on life goals and vision. In which case financial planning must be executed at least by age of 35 or 50 Further always differentiate between true assets and imaginary assets

Knowledge health: We must be life long learners. Learning could be in any space ; be it physical, mental, artistic, emotional or spatial. We must make efforts to constantly expand on our neural connections. We must be flexible and adaptive to what life throws at us

Generosity Health: we must be generous to at least one entity n a regular basis. This could be in terms of time, support, money, food or anything that we can offer. It could be as simple as paying for the next person after us in a shop, letting person behind us to jump a queue, a kind word to a stranger or appreciative word to co-worker

Society and Environment Health: we must be truly supportive of society and mother nature be it in form of helping people to be best based on their potential and capability, growing trees, using public transport, or contributing generously to environmental cause. We must specially support great teachers and mentors for without them we would be nothing

with gratitude to Amit Bajpai without whose nudging above framework would not have been created

copyright 2020 to P Shreekanth

Revised and updated copyright 2023 to P Shreekanth


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