
Showing posts from May, 2004

view of the world!!

It was the first time i was flying; i dont remember to where and it set me thinking about Einstein's time-space concept.. interesting and so applicable to life. The aeroplane was quite high and we were over the clouds; it was almost as if i was on top of himalayas; the clouds looked like snow. what i could see among the spaces between clouds was even more interesting; earth looked picturesque, the whole city moved in a flash;whole city was smaller than my nail..the nearer i am space objects, bigger they appear and the more they seem to affect me. in fact when i am very close to an object, they looked jagged and when i am far away, very smooth; similar things happen to sound.. closer i am to sound, higher the decibel and farther away, softer it is.. and same thing with people.. the closer one is to people, the more one notices the negative things about them and farther one goes, the nice thing.. and equally interestingly the same thing applies to time.. closer one is to an event, ...

Death & life....

Other day i was watching a movie.. one of those themes in which a character in the movie is supposed to die within few months and what he said set me thinking.. he said he will die in six months dont when exactly.. and you will die in 40 years.. it is after a difference in the number of years that one has to live.. no one ever questions about the fact of death.. so why get scared of death?? Once one stops fearing death, and very very paradoxical. one starts Living... isnt this strange.. one actually starts living life to its fullest knowing fully well that this is all the life i have.. so let me enjoy in my own way.. what gives me joy may not give some one else.. and interestingly with this understanding, one finds it silly to even think of harming someone else.. on the contrary one gets joy in making someone else happy... one sees life differently... wants to do as much as possible on that one day or that one hour or that one moment... imagine being always in that one moment ....

Books to read

These are good books to read in no particular order. Enjoy reading!!! 1. Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman - by Richard P Feynman - a great book by a gifted person and a Nobel Prize winner in Physics 2. The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eliyahu M. Goldratt - a new perspective to traditional thinking... 3. The Fountainhead Ayn Rand - interesting perspective on virtue of selfishness 4. Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand - more about selfishness and what happens when genuine workers stop working 5. Enlightenment ? Who cares? by Madhukar Thompson - why get enlightened at all.. 6. The Godfather by Mario Puzo - business management in the mafia world 7. Agony & Ecstacy - by Irving Stone on the life of michaelangelo 8. Leave it to Psmith by PG Wodehouse

Events happen!..Can we actually contol or do anything?

My life has been very eventful.. when i was very young, I got affected by polio - you are wondering as to why am i stating this? if i hadnt contacted polio, I would have probably joined science stream and probably not become a chartered accountant..and how did i become a chartered accountant? three of us were standing in the middle of the road - yes middle of a road on a divider talking about things in general.. we were returning from college (12th Standard) and then one of the guys said- how about going to institute? I said what institute? they looked at me like.. anyhow we all went to the the institute - yes u guessed right institute of chartered accountants of india.. got the forms and the rest is history- i completed CA before the other two guys!! one more incident... during late 1980s, i got injured in a local train- in fact . no let me tell u later.. i got down at the railyway right hand was hurting a lot.. someone saw me and he took me by autorickshaw to the nursing ...

life is so amazing!!!

when one goes through life it is so amazing how so many things that we take for granted were created and that by human beings, plant animals and so on.. lets start with the one thing that most of us would love the most in the morning - yes you are right i am talking about the wonderful refreshing Tea.. imagine getting up in the morning and hey presto.. a nice hot cuppa tea..come to think of it, a lot us know how to make tea.. have u ever wondered, how was the first cup of tea made. how were the leaves selected, properly dried (cured is the technical term i believe) and then add it to hot water and so on... imagine making that first cup isnt that amazing.. have you noticed another amazing thing.. for everything in the world, there has to be a corresponding opposite or reverse..the best words that i can think the famous accounting principle "for every debit, there is a corresponding credit" examples in abundance.. matter & energy, plus and minus, good and evil, ...