view of the world!!

It was the first time i was flying; i dont remember to where and it set me thinking about Einstein's time-space concept.. interesting and so applicable to life. The aeroplane was quite high and we were over the clouds; it was almost as if i was on top of himalayas; the clouds looked like snow.
what i could see among the spaces between clouds was even more interesting; earth looked picturesque, the whole city moved in a flash;whole city was smaller than my nail..the nearer i am space objects, bigger they appear and the more they seem to affect me. in fact when i am very close to an object, they looked jagged and when i am far away, very smooth; similar things happen to sound.. closer i am to sound, higher the decibel and farther away, softer it is.. and same thing with people.. the closer one is to people, the more one notices the negative things about them and farther one goes, the nice thing..
and equally interestingly the same thing applies to time.. closer one is to an event, bigger and more difficult it appears and farther it is away from us, looks diffused, light and minor... if i got hurt, it is most difficult at that point.. later it seems very minor and over a period of time disappears.. and this is the same whether the pain is physical or emotional..
now what we do often is to keep reflecting on these images and bring them closer in space and time and this makes it difficult to let go of pain or for that matter joy too..just like everything is relative, we would be a lot more content(?) if we look or perceive everthing in this manner.. close and far.. that too at the same time..! or joy at close quarters and sorrow far away?


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