Events happen!..Can we actually contol or do anything?

My life has been very eventful.. when i was very young, I got affected by polio - you are wondering as to why am i stating this? if i hadnt contacted polio, I would have probably joined science stream and probably not become a chartered accountant..and how did i become a chartered accountant? three of us were standing in the middle of the road - yes middle of a road on a divider talking about things in general.. we were returning from college (12th Standard) and then one of the guys said- how about going to institute? I said what institute? they looked at me like.. anyhow we all went to the the institute - yes u guessed right institute of chartered accountants of india.. got the forms and the rest is history- i completed CA before the other two guys!! one more incident... during late 1980s, i got injured in a local train- in fact . no let me tell u later.. i got down at the railyway right hand was hurting a lot.. someone saw me and he took me by autorickshaw to the nursing home close to the station - i was in tremendous pain. he got me admitted to the nursing home, paid money (i didnt have money)and then i found that my bones (both the main bones in my right arm)had been broken...and the samaritan went off for his office work or whatever and my folks paid him of course.. who he is, why did he help me - i dont know...
again regarding my work.. i have been into all kinds of function audit, accounts, operations, sales, marketing, running a business unit, ecommerce, technlogy and i currently handle information security and interestingly different function that i did through my career, helps me now!!
my point is we think we know everything can do everything.. but can anyone tell me why did all these happen - did i plan for all this.. or did events just happen...all us humans go through our life saying I did this, This is mine...Do I do all these? Do I control all this? or is it that ... Events happen!!


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