more on trip to bangalore

I went to my sister's (Didi) house that is close to JP Nagar; I had left from lalbaug gardens by rickshaw and it was literally an expedition to reach her house. Once we reached the nearest landmark i think it was Dayasagar institute, the road to her place was more of muddy type with lots of up and downs. I must have rung her up upteen times but she and attimber (brother in law) took it in good spirit. We lost our way and luckily found some people who were returning in bikes; these gentlemen showed us the way to reach the road leading to her house. We retraced and i saw my sister who got into the rickshaw and led me to her home. The rickshaw guy was nice and took the agreed amount even though he had to go to electronic city which was quite far from this place. (Didi's).
We then went to her home and both she and attimber were very hospitable even though it was 11.30 pm and past their usual bedtime. She made hot milk for me and then i went upstairs to sleep. She had this huge room as a prayer room with photo of Sai Baba (Puttaparthi). I promptly went to sleep; it was a great dreamless sleep and i woke up relaxed at about 7.30 am.
She has a large nice house quite in a village kind of location and at the same time quite close to market. It is ground plus one floor with a terrace on top. It is very quiet and just the kind of location that a city bred person like me likes (It is almost similar to trans indus except that trans indus has a lot more greenery; more about that later). She grew some plants in her plot and the place utilised quite well; the car was on top of the underground tank filled with sweet cauvery water. I brushed my teeth, had a nice hot water bath. They arranged a reliable private taxi person (Harish) who was to take me around Bangalore. (in fact they had arranged the previous night itself and changed the timings since my plan had changed). Didi then made a nice breakfast with jaggery; it was delightful and just hot as was needed in the v cold delightful bangalore. I had Tea and then i had barfi and she packed mixture (salted preparation normally made during diwali). Attimber explained to Harish where all i had to go and we shortly left. I had a lovely though very short time at her house. Both of them were very very nice and hospitable and it was a pleasure to stay there. Wish i was there longer!
Harish then took me to Trans Indus- i love visiting that place - it is heavenly to be there - so quite, green, peaceful and just about 1.5 hours from main part of Bangalore. My plot had lot more plants - maintained okay. I visited some of my neighbours (actually each one of them live quite far- I would have to walk for about 5 minutes to visit some of them) the only sad thing about the place is lack of own water and power - if that was there, it would be abs fabulous. It looks more green than ever before. Went to houses of Baskar, Chandrakant and Madhu. Had coffee and masala tea; and then left for bangalore. Lots of traffic from there and finally reached Bangalore central and briefly met a friend (who is head of VC). Then waited at the Central mall for my friend; the mall is typical inside- the outside is the typical bangalore - greenery, fountain; the crowd is essentially couples; there were of course families; my friend got held up due to traffic (metro is being built) and he finally reached central. I got into his car and we drove to his home (a complex) and had a nice lunch- I continued the carbs hogging part since i planned to run at least 26 km at the ultra marathon. We then briefly went to his home and met his wife and daughters - great family and he himself is owner CEO of a furnishing firm (supplies to major companies across india). He then dropped me at RFL's (Runners for life) office. More about ultra marathon and the trip later....


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