can we see the world as it really is?

Can we really see reality and not concepts???

How much we miss the world when we stick to labels!! Lets take an example in every day terms...suppose we look at a tree, our eyes perceive the tree, an image appears in our mind, compares the image that we have about tree with the current image and our mind immediately labels the object as tree. We do similarly the same with other human being (object) and compare the image with current image and label the object as Ram or Seeta or Sheila or John.

Actually the object that we are perceiving are “called” tree or human being or stone; but we perceive them through the color of the image in our mind and that too an image which existed in the past. And to add insult to injury as it may seem, we even perceive our body, mind or whatever through the historical image recorded and continuously overlayed with more images most of which are completely wrong or nonsensical. Think how much we miss the beauty of the world and the human being by labelling!


deepa said…
I agree only partially. We all need to have the same image of a tree otherwise there will be total confusion if one person perceives a tree as a tree and the other perceives it as a bird. Anyway coming to the actual point u are making, when we set up preconceived notions about people in our mind or look at them thru prejudiced looking glass, our judgement does get coloured. We end up putting people in neat pigeon holes duly classified and labelled as in a departmental store and may miss out on their actual beauty of being what they are. Of course having said that, one should definitely listen to what their heart tells them about people because if you honestly and truly listen to your heart, your judgement never goes wrong. In that case judgement does involve a little bit of labelling which cannot be avoided

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