on Corruption
is corruption? it is after all a method of getting ahead i.e ahead of
others by paying for it - the problem is we define corruption too
narrowly and in money specific terms - now let me give examples of
action that we do not consider corruption and then may be we could
realise that we can take it as natural and go on from there and not get
stuck to the concept of corruption
Are all these corruption?
1. we jump queues regularly be it at shopping mall, offices, railway station -
2. we (across the world) regularly pay tips to waiters and support staff -
3. we jump traffic by creating a third or fourth lane and getting in front of other vehicles -specially happens in counties with huge population that drive on road
4. we (across the world) create laws that favour us and stop/delay other
countries or organisation from generating profits or getting in? by
this act, the "in" countries/organisations continue to get money while
the others are effectively blocked
5. we (across the world) have clubs, hotels, etc. which stop people from getting in by the price they charge
6. we have schools and colleges that block students by means of percentage?
7. we block peoplle from getting in by gauging them based on marks in schools and colleges?