About war

I was wondering about war. Why do people fight? what are the benefits? interestingly war has led to lots of development in the world... be it in internet or landing on the moon, sports or martial arts or hacking and when i say war i include competition in that as competition itself in a way is minor form of war..after all i want to be better than someone else..war is a lot more stronger thats all.. and due to war or competition, the world as a whole has benefited...
look how instictively we are competitive...
i may driving on the road at a sedate speed.. moment there is someone driving faster, i will instinctively drive fast...not only that.. a person cycling will try and beat a car...
and that set me thinking .. this kind of competition or sports or war probably happens intensifies within a specie specially when that specie thinks that it is better than any other specie.. like human beings.. a human being wont be as good or as efficient when fighting with lion .. coz the human will just shoot the lion or put it in a cage.. then once again goes back to fight with another human being..
is this why war happens?


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