Two sides of a coin

Most things in life are not like just two sides of a coin, black and white.. firstly when there are two sides to a situation or a coin, it is easy to understand.. but the reality is that there are multiple things to view anything in this world but we see them through our eyes and most troubles in life happen bcoz of this jaundiced view.. we see an event and think we know everything about i was returning from work and saw the car in front of me driving very slowly.. i was very irritated and went on honking... its only when the car in front of me took a right that i realised that there was a small dog in front of the car very scard ..not knowing where to go...
we are quick to pass judgements on others without having any clue as to why they behave the way they do..this was well illustrated by a doctor who happened to be a gyanecologist.. i was chatting with him when the topic of Cesarean birth came up.. and i opened my big mouth and said.. these doctors are always like this.. do not plan normal birth so that they can make more money.. the doctor was quick to explain to me.. about the long hours in the hospital.. limited doctors.. number of patients and the need to send off the patients fast so that more patients are cured and sent home...
he was right and these kinds of events vividly portray how often we have a micro view of the world.. it is as if the world is a huge screen running from say left to right and so long and tall that i cannot see where it ends and where it begins .. and the time that i take to view any situation is so long that i cannot ever see the complete picture.. and I pass judgement on everyone and everything including myself without ever seeing the complete picture. Shouldnt i try and see the big picture or if i cant, at least be careful in making any kind of judgement and the world will be a better place....


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