Inventions and discoveries

Is there any difference between invention and discovery? Invention is suppose to be something new that one has created and discovery is uncovering something that exists right? In what way is invention of electric bulb different from Einstein formulating theory of relativity or someone uncovering (not discovering) an obscure temple in a remote cornet of the world or perhaps under the sea? Is discovery supposed to be of things that are existing, known to people or entities that are close to where they live and not published? Isnt it arrogance to say that Columbus discovered America when there were native "Red Indians" (again arrongance to call them Red Indians) living there for many years? And inventions? How did Einstein formulate the theory of relativity or Newton to formulate gravity? Didnt they suddenly get a flash (which meant that some existing ideas flashed into their mind) and then they formulated it? And Edison, didnt he get an idea of bulb (externally if I may say so) and then had it manufactured?
So do we as human being really create anything new but rather uncover something and claim that it belongs to us? And to take this reasoning further, even the mind that is able to receive such ideas - does even that belong to us? Were not we born with that kind of brain to receive these ideas? Arent we just entities that express things, ideas, music or drama or picture or movies because we are meant to and we ourselves have no internal capability that we can call our own?


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