Running a marathon

Running & keeping fit apart from eating fresh food are some of the few pursuits that I have consistently pursued for the last ten years. Running probably needs a lot more physical and mental stamina since one battles with oneself and there is no competitor to beat. It is not easy to get someone to run with you unless you are in a locality where there are lots of runners. Things are changing in India, at least it is more published and I noticed that there are quite a few runners at Shivaji Park (Dadar, Bombay) and Marine Drive. Bangalore is very active and i receive lots of information on weekly runs.
I started quite small about 5 years back (running that is )when I ran my first long distance (about 4 kms); that gave me the courage (?) to run 7 kms the next year in the annual Stanchart marathon event. Not looking back, I attempted the next jump to 21 kms and have been running consistently for the last three years.
Running marathon needs lots of patience, mental toughness and physical stamina; since there is no competition, one also needs to be know how to be alone quite with oneself. Apart from other thingsthe key elements are proper diet (including food with proteins), strength training, flexibility and regular practice. Endurance is very important and one has to regularly run long distance. I will be posting some actual running session that i have been through


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