26th nov carnage mumbai

After all the news and blogs and twitter, there is very limited stuff i can muse about; whatever happened was sad; so many people killed, injured, scared! Many people were too scared to even venture out on the 27th. And the city part as the oldtimers would say i.e fountain, fort, etc. - I have never seen it so deserted for a long time; the ubiquotous hawkers on the roads were missing- cars were actually parked in those places ...and people so scared on the 28th or even the next day.
I was having lunch in one of the restaurant and the sound of car horn was enough to send people to the deep end and the restaurant was ready to shut down. People were running helter skelter at just a whisper of any incident. My favourite juice shop at fort was shut too.
on the flip side, it was amazing that mumbai's famous dubbawallas had come to office to collect dubbas- so many people had gone to office and were working...Mumbai is amazing in its resilience.
Now things have quietened down and mumbai is back to its usual crowd, usual rush- the only change seems to be more of alerts.. I read that strangers in neighbourhood are to be reported to police - on the ligher side ... how do i run in different parts of mumbai :)
I was partly glad and partly outraged and partly sad - when i was stopped by police (not traffic police) to show my driving license -
I hope and pray that mumbai doesnt change into a scared place- where every human being is suspected; we have to prove at every place that we are not terrorist ...Lets be alert but not paranoid
Lets all pray for a better world and not a world where we take revenge or react just like the terrrorists...


Anonymous said…
I am sure all of us echo yr sentiments.

I must add that situations such as these bring out the "human side of people" which are unfortunately not displayed in day to day activities or routines. People, in general, also show greater concern for their near and dear ones and are also quite vocal about it.

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