instructions for life -non spiritual?

I will start with this nice quote - source unknown - and thanks to Internet.. and the quote is .....
“You look like a thinker. Am I right? (I confirmed his hunch) I have some advice for you. What do you do when you take a shit? (I told him, I never really thought about it) Exactly. You just shit. That’s what you need to do with your music.”
Isn't this interesting quote for life- what finally matters is what one does.. and this is dependent in a sense ultimately on what deep down thinks right ?

and even more interesting instructions to life and quite deceptively simple are:
1. Be impeccable with your word - effectively means be true to what you said (doesnt it sort of match with the last one (yeah just be patient ! i will come to it)
2. Don't take anything personally - and this is required in office or any other place - it just means that whatever happens is quite impersonal - each one of us lives in our own world where no one exists - yes just think about anything that some one does or you do and check out for yourself - once you are convinced about it, you won't take anything personal and incidentally be happy :)
3. Don't make assumptions - always seek clarification - again this is integrated with point 2
4. Always do your best - in whichever state you are in - and this also means don't compare this with others (this is typically an instruction in Gym or during running) - this applies to life in general
(these are from a book called The four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
5. and the last - Just Do it - don't just think
(It is quite easy to say all these - right!)


Anonymous said…
each one of us lives in our own world where no one exists - yes just think about anything that some one does or you do and check out for yourself - once you are convinced about it, you won't take anything personal and incidentally be happy :)

Could not understand what u mean . Can u please explain

3. Don't make assumptions - always seek clarification - again this is integrated with point 2

What happens when we seek clarifications and the person from whom clarifications are sought just says Hmm or I don't know.
Shreekanth said…
thanks for asking clarification

Q1. well good question and let me try to explain ...
the whole world is as if personal to each one of us e.g. the whole world including relatives, friends, etc. are objects in my world - similarly in someone else's world i am an object - so when i am talking or interacting with you, it is as if i am interacting with you in my world - not yours - and the same for others - i dont exist in their world except as an object - hence how can i hurt someone or someone hurt me - hence there is nothing personal about this ...
Q2 - practical issue and v true - the practical method is to give benefit of doubt to everyone and in that way, with lack of clarification, we still end up treating the other person well - in fact philosophically and scientifically, each person changes continuously but so slowly (like a rock) that we can't figure out the change and hence treating a person as if he /she is someone you dont know quite often helps specially in a tense situation
hope it clarifies

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