Deepavali, office, running,...

As mentioned, yesterday was an incredible day - reached office - office well decorated - there were flowers and the traditional diyas plus of course the incredible rangolis - we really had great artists in our office - we wished each other Happy Diwali and ate lots of sweets and salty stuff and chakli etc.. even the restaurant owner invited us while greeting us; one thing which moved me today was that two young ladies (not a relative) prostrated before me and asked for my blessings - i was a bit embarrassed since i wasn't used to it - but almost immediately felt really moved with their gesture.
We continued with our work and then at night (8 pm) i went to marine drive (Mumbai) for my running practise - close to mumbai marathon and i had lost practice for about 3 plus months..and had to catch up!!
I felt wonderful running (it was quite dark) on the marine drive footpath - Arabian Sea was dark - the horizon however well lit - it was cool and breezy - it was particularly nice since it was festival time.. the footpath quite wiide and in addition has space for people to sit - and adjacent to the sea - and it was filled as usual with couples (who do what couples do!) , some people doing pushups, others smoking (sad ?) and yet others listening to mp3 players... and some people discussing, taking photographs
the payment itself was not so full with the energetic walkers, others walking while chatting all the time on their mobile, some running , while others were walking their dogs - mumbai being a commercial city, the pavement also had the chaiwallas, the snackwallas and so on..
it was lot more fun yesterday since the pavement also had quite a few playing with fireworks and boy was it really beautiful ! i had a spectacular view of the fireworks going up in the sky and bursting into myriad stars with multiple combinations of lights and colors; the usual foolzari threw up a shower of lights; marine drive was really colorful with all these people playing and this continued even after i started for home at about 9.30 (and to my pleasant surprise reached at 10.40). It was such a pleasure to see people of all ages coming to marine drive, parking their car and having a gala time playing with fireworks or just sitting and enjoying !!
I then left for home (wish i could have stayed longer) and started the drive home at sedate speed of 40 km (normally i would have liked to drive at 60 considering how open the road was) but it was so enjoyable watching how well the houses in mumbai were painted with multitude colors and lights and some of them done so well - mumbai was really painted well with lights that night and will continue for few more days!!


deepa said…
Two young ladies prostrating at your feet !!! Incredible !!!!
Shreekanth, this is a sure sign that you are growing old, man . Hah hah hah:):):)
VRM said…
Reading you blog brought back a lot of memories about the years spent living in Mumbai. Festivals in our country still have a strong element of religious fervor. You have very vividly described the ceremonial aspects and the anticipation with which kids wait to wear new clothes and get presents and blessings from their elders.

Here in Canada, Christmas festivities will start in the next few days. However, instead of enjoying the festive season, when nature is at its best and the mood joyous, people rake up huge credit card bills and then, in the month of January, get depressed when they are asked to pay for all their frivolous purchases.

If only the West would imbibe some of the elements of Eastern Philosophy, the world would be a much better place.
Shreekanth said…
Thanks Viraf for your kind feedback
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