Trek To Gorakhgad

I was quite excited this sunday.. off on a trek after a long time; the place was Gorakhgad ..Sahyadri (western ghats Maharashtra) . Woke up at 4.15 and left for Bandra the starting point for all of us. Mumbai never sleeps and Andheri station was fairly crowded at 5.30; reached the starting point by 6. Kapil from the organisors odati met us at Bandra and seven of us left for Gorakhgad; Yogita the trek leader joined us at Kalyan. The early morning drive was wonderful, cool and the post monsoon scenery lush with natures greenery. We had breakfast and left for Dehri which is the base for the trek to Gorakhgad. Apart from the trek leader, there was a couple from Helsinki, (and we had a great conversation with them about Finland, Lapland, and northern lights) and two people from ad agency, a lawyer and one tax consultant. Nice bunch of people. Yogita was very enthusiastic throughout the journery and continued animatedly talking about her treking experience.
The trek in the beginning past a small ashram was quite easy and we moved fast; it was quite meandering as well as we had to go up for some time and then go down; after some time of fast walking, Yogita pointed to a small opening and told us that we were to get in that hole; and we had almost to crane out necek to see that hole; and then she showed us the rock that we were to climb; i asked here twice.. is this what we are going to climb?
We continued walking and had a small break at remains of a temple to have water and relax; we then continued walking up the mountain; the group was together and non of us felt left out; now the climb became a bit difficult and I voiced my feeling to others.. won't it be difficult to climb down? There were lots of steps, some broken, some places where we had to be careful or we could slip. At last we came close to the hole which now had become bigger; a team of father son told us to go up fast since the rocks would become hot; at that time, it was quite breezy and comfortable. The climb to the "hole" which was actually doorway to the fort was a challenge and once in we took rest for some time; it was a bit dizzy standing at the gate and looking down; one felt almost giddy; we continued walking up the stairs and then went towards the caves where we were to have lunch. Close to the caves, we found three tanks of water of which one was potable (at least Mario - (sort of looks like Vinay - he had long hair) from another group told us that he drank water and was alive at least for one hour- he had drunk it one hour back) We had the usual lunch thepla and salad and sandwich with tea - we took rest , some of us that is for some time ; i went round to explore the other side of the mountain and saw a cave carved out in the mountain and there was some sculpture out of the rock painted - carvings were of two warriors. It was amazing how tanks and caves were made in these mountain - some of them looked quite old ; and best of all the temple at the top of the mountain - how could pepple have carried stones and built the temple - more of that later...
Four of us including Yogita went to explore the mountain which looked quite forbidding; how do we climb the top which Jayesh from organisor had assured me was quite tough but the trek is considered successful if we reached the cave which we did. We found the place and the other group (Mario's) had told us that if we cross the initial part and climbed the rock, we could reach the top since there were steps all the way. Luckily we believed them (had we known!!) and after sometime, six of us started the climb; the initial part involved non technical rock climbing- it was a bit tough but we managed it; subsequently we started climbing the steps and boy. was it tough.. narrow steps, winding at times, broken steps sometimes and worse off all, if we looked down, it was curtains - it was straight down and if we slipped, down we go all the way; we felt giddy looking down; we steadfastly looked at each step which luckily had holes to grip and slowly reached the top; at the top of the climb was a lovely temple (Siva) and we removed our shoes, prayed to Lord and sat down for some time; we felt good that we reached the top; it was quite peaceful and silent and the view was worth all the fright that the climb gave us. The guy who works in a adventure firm in Finland said that he would never climb it again without ropes and safety precautions - he mentioned that this would never have been allowed in Finland.
We now started the descent and it seemed more scary than the climb; anyhow we climed down the steps and reached the area where we had to use our rock climbing skills to get down which we all managed; by then, we were quite okay and after picking up our things, started the climb down - after the scary climb up the top, the climb down was quite okay though some of us did slip down couple of time but luckily no bruises. Yogita engaged us with her previous trekking exploits most of the way down; we finally reached the base; The air was so sweet and the local guys from Gorakhgad were quite keen to be good hosts and give us all the help that we were sad to leave the place. We got into the qualis for the drive home- one the way we stopped at a hotel and had fabulous batata vada and awesome tea. The stench in Mumbai was noticeable after being in the pure air of Gorakhgad. A lovely trek....amd will I climb that rock again? Guess :)


prats said…
WOW, lucky you :)
how priveleged to be able to do something like that .

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