sunset view today

Saw sunset today like many other days - it was absolutely beautiful - sun's rays streamed and painted a myriad of colours and hues -and the few dark and white clouds enhanced the beauty of sunset against the backdrop of blue sky with the half moon smiling as if at the painting. The white clouds looked ethreal with the sun rays behind them; the red sun that was sinking into the horizon was even more splendid if that was possible
this scene set me thinking .. was this created "by" someone or are these are just events that are done and there is no doer as some great masters have said? And doesn't it apply to all of us i.e. it seems that we do deeds when actually deeds get done through us just like electricity is expressed as light or fan or refrigerator !


deepa said…
These scenes of natural beauty actually give birth to a lot of inspired display of talents- poems are written, songs are composed,paintings are drawn,great Romances come into being - In short masterpieces are created. Imagine how great and talented the Real Creator is who painted the sunset on the sky's canvas. He must be so sensitive and perceptive and must be having a very keen eye for beauty and taste to create a masterpiece of this magnitude. It is really a humbling thought
deepa said…
Actually your description of the sunset set my imagination racing. The sun may have a resembled a radiant bride whose face is partially covered by a veil (the clouds) . No wonder the ethereal look.
deepa said…
God is so great. he has created many sunsets and also unique human beings like u and me

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