Interesting side to mumbai post attack (?)

Noticed something interesting post attack.. citizen movements like the one at Gateway of India, candle burning at Taj and Leopold, people holding hands at Peddar road, and some holding candles too! people writing petition to prime minister, the physical anger against politicians and i was thinking, and the media (DNA, times of India) quickly setting up process for citizen to report (hope it continues) - will mumbai be the same again? may be .. may be not..

other interesting things noticed just two days after attack... a bored security guard next to ATM of a large bank...certain members of authorities - being rude with roadside hawkers! and other authority members taking free rides from taxi (i could be mistaken but the meter was certainly not down) and the politicians won't change (or will they)- 6th December (Saturday) saw the usual annual traffic jam that afflicts mumbai regularly - yes the Dalits (sorry for the choice of word!) come (or brought?) to mumbai on the death anniversary of our revered Dr Ambedkar (i am sure he would'nt have approved of this)

and the very nice side of mumbai
I went for my run this Saturday nite and three different groups of people wanted to help or stopped to chat - interesting eh? and my apology for use of age in my communication like young ....first was a nice chap driving his car (with loud music) - he stopped and asked me "can i drop you to the bus stop?" ; next were a group of kids driving scooters - asking me ... wouldn't you be better of running in the morning? and then traffic policemen - asking me - can i help you? nice isn't it :)?


deepa said…
I like the nice side of Mumbai described by u. People are indeed very helpful provided they are not in a tearing hurry which is one of Mumbai's main characteristics.

The guy in the car who offered to drop u at the nearest bus stop must have thought u have missed the bus and was running for it. Mumbaikars are great in every sense of the term.

BTW,today's TOI carried an article about a guy Vinod Shreedhar who believes in doing Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) and bring a smile to people's faces. He can be contacted on
deepa said…
Vinod Shreedhar 's email id is and not

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