great contribution from youth

It is so wonderful when a group of young people (and sorry to use the word "young") get together and start such a moving movement.. these are some people i know who have got together to make a difference to Bombay- they are going to help terrorist victims, make people aware about what road digging, any problem that you feel helpless about; now you need not sit and mope as to who will help you; if everyone contributes, we can make a difference and push the government into making India vibrant !! click on the following link and join the movement


deepa said…
Why do say young and then be apologetic. You are also in the young category.
Shreekanth said…
coz saying that means we are labelling human beings based on age which we dont seem bothered unlike when we label based on race or religion or language or whatever (which also many of us are not bothered)!

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