comprehensive short steps for freedom !
Absolutely incredible - for freedom, liberation just four steps or activities or framework - just like Buddha's four fold path - this is from Guru Vachaka Kovai The Garland of the Guru's sayings by Muruganar. These are collections from Ramana Maharshi's verbal teachings
"That which is worth taking up is the self-enquiry that reveals jnana; that which is worth enjoying is the grandeur of the Self; that which is worth renouncing is the ego-mind; that in which it is worth taking refuge, to eliminate sorrow completely, is one’s own source, the Heart." All that had to be said is said in just these four sentences viz.
purpose in life - revealing jnana through self inquiry
enjoyment - revel in self
renounce - the mind
refuge - hear
"That which is worth taking up is the self-enquiry that reveals jnana; that which is worth enjoying is the grandeur of the Self; that which is worth renouncing is the ego-mind; that in which it is worth taking refuge, to eliminate sorrow completely, is one’s own source, the Heart." All that had to be said is said in just these four sentences viz.
purpose in life - revealing jnana through self inquiry
enjoyment - revel in self
renounce - the mind
refuge - hear
May be you are aware that Guru Vachaka Kovai, edited by David Godman has been published recently?
He has a blog at
This is for your information.